42. Marathonlesung

Auch nicht schlecht, also wer näher an Paris ist:

Monday 14th May 7:00 pm
Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

Tonight we welcome a marathon reading of poets from Brooklyn-based indie  Ugly Duckling Presse, ‚a publishing collective specializing in experimental poetry and new editions of forgotten textual artists, produces lovely, cheeky books by authors you’ve probably never heard of but your grandchildren will likely read in college.‘ – New York Times. Afterwards stay for music with punk, electronic Paris-based Ava’s Verden http://www.myspace.com/avasverden.

Authors include Steve Dalachinsky, the author of In Glorious Black & White; Christian Hawkey, the author of three books of poetry and associate professor at Pratt Institute; Filip Marinovich; Matvei Yankelvich, author of Today I Wrote Nothing;

Yuko Otomo bilingual poet and author of Garden: Selected Haiku, Small PoemsThe Hand of the Poet, Cornell Box Poems, Genesis, and Fragile; Sarah Riggs, a translator and author of 60 Textos along with 28 télégrammes and 43 Post-Its, also a member of the bilingual poetry association Double Change; Jacqueline Waters, the author of the poetry collection A Minute Without Danger, and two chapbooks, The Saw That Talked and The Garden of Eden a College; Uljana Wolf the author of two books of poetry, kochanie ich habe brot gekauft and falsche freunde, as well as the essay BOX OFFICE. Hosted by Vladislav Davidzon.

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