133. James Richardson wins Jackson Poetry Prize

Poets & Writers, Inc. has named James Richardson the fifth annual recipient of the Jackson Poetry Prize, a $50,000 award given to honor an American poet of exceptional talent who deserves wider recognition.. This year’s judges were Mark Doty, Rita Dove, and Gerald Stern. The Jackson Prize was established in 2006 with a gift from the Liana Foundation and is named for the John and Susan Jackson family.

Read the press release here.

In 2007, Elizabeth Alexander was selected as the inaugural recipient of the Jackson Poetry Prize by the poets Lucille Clifton, Stephen Dunn, and Jane Hirshfield. In 2008, Tony Hoagland was selected by Philip Levine, Robert Pinsky, and Ellen Bryant Voigt. In 2009, Linda Gregg was selected by Brenda Hillman, Edward Hirsch, and Charles Simic. In 2010, Harryette Mullen was selected by Fanny Howe, Ted Kooser, and C.K. Williams.

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